You know, as the temp, there are sometimes that you just have to do the job requested, and you just can't win.
Even when they hire on a new person, and that person didn't understand the concept of time and being on time, and then the company gets rid of her, and then they don't hire you again, but hire on a new person again, and you have to train that new person all over again...oh wait, I am talking about my situation, but I don't think I'm alone here.
You can pick your own battles, but really you have no one to complain to except your direct manager, and then if he/she won't help you, you can go to your HR person, but good luck with that, and even if you call your agency, you may be out of a job.
My advice, just remember that sometimes you just can't win and then go home and have a margarita.
Do put in your own stories if you like, I won't mind a bit, after all, I'm just the temp.