Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Temping is a two edged sword

Well, there is a factor to temping that I never thought I would see the daylight of...and that is I get to choose on how I can deal with this my co-workers asking me to come in on a day that the Company is closed on.

Guess what....if the Company is closed and I don't come in, then I don't get paid for the day...right? (You with me so far?) But if my co-workers have to go in, they get paid salary and they get paid Holiday pay, so if they ask me to come in on a day that I don't get paid for, don't I get to ask for time and a half? So, if the Company doesn't want to pay me that much money and they don't want to hire me on as a full time employee, I have the option of saying NO.

Yes, kids, this is the way of the two edged sorry you have no choice but to go in because the auditors want this or want that...but guess what, I am not the only person that has access to files, pulling crap that should have been made copies of at that time rather than waiting a year to go by and not being able to find it later on...oh yes, and find mistakes that screwball number two made during the time *she* was there....guess what, I am not fixing those mistakes either, and then the Company will most likely have to pay fines...

I'd rather take the day off and not be paid for it, because that is MY choice to make...Happy Thanksgiving


Just the temp

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Still - Just the temp

Even after all this crazyness has ensued...even after I have requested, begged, pleaded and cajoled...I will still be the temp at this company.

In fact, I just found out today that they plan on hiring another temp...but not for the job I have been doing and I don't have to train any one thank G*d for some miracles...but still.

I did however request that while I am still happy that I have a job here, that they will at least either give me more compensation per hour or give me some benefits that I do not currently have such as vacation time, sick time or Holiday Pay.

Yes...for three years now, days not paid for all the days off that other employees here get paid for...

I am glad that I still have the flexibility though to do whatever I want (such as write, do marketing, be with my son for school stuff, etc...) but....I am also proud of myself for standing my ground. Whatever ground that is...

Yours...still....just....the TEMP

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trying to keep busy - trying not to kvetch

Since my last post, I've been a little busy actually doing the job (yes, again) they had me pull older reports from the past two people that did the job before me. I couldn't find a bunch of reports.

Seriously? I can't physically find the paperwork...where did it go to? I have no clue. When the auditors come looking for it, all I can do is tell them to request it from my manager. When I was doing the paperwork, I could find it all...or at least most of it.

I'm trying my hardest not to kvetch (complain - in Yiddish) but really, why should I go out of my way through boxes and boxes of paperwork that is all messed up and not corrected by date if I didn't do it in the first place...I seriously don't get paid enough to go crazy over someone else's bad performance.

So, here is my the best I can, and mention it to my manager. Already people (other co-workers) have asked me if the Company plans to hire me, and I just tell them that I seriously don't know at this point. They will probably go over me again, as they did the last two times...I wouldn't be surprised if they did that...but they may surprise me...who knows...but in the meantime, I'm busy doing other updating this blog...

This is Just the Temp, signing off