This post is all about what has happened to me (personally) the last few months and I can't use full names, but I will use initials.
This is to inspire you (those of you who are actually following this blog, and I thank you in advance) to not be afraid to stand up for yourself, even if you are like me and still just the temp.
I have been the temp at this current company now for over 2 years. (2 and a half really, and coming this January it will be 3). I have been lucky to have been passed over the last two layoffs, but being the temp, HR doesn't count you (as you are not in the head count, you are just the temp). Now this doesn't ALWAYS work, but in Corporate Workplace, this can happen.
Basically my story is I started Jan 07. I had some A/P and A/R experience, and this is what they were looking for (the company). That year I learned about Oracle, ERP, S&R, Invoicing and doing invoices. I learned also on how to do expense reports, and all the policies and rules behind them.
In Jan 08, the woman who trained me for expense reports left the company (I really miss her), and the position was open. I put in my resume, and had a first interview. I never got a second interview. Then they hired Miss. A. (no name to protect the innocent).
Little Miss A. started in March of 08 and took a vacation as early as April or May of 08. She also liked to come in late, leave early and my personal favorite took a "mental vacation". Of course, I being the temp had to cover for her work. And I had to train her...yeah...that was little Miss. A. wore PJs to work, and did sloppy work at that (when she did come in).
Finally in Nov 08, the company had enough of Miss. A. and from Nov 08 - Feb 09 I covered the position again, after cleaning up little Miss. A.'s mess (and boy was it a mess). Then the company didn't have the position open on their website, but on Monster (which I was not aware of) and was not even considered the second go around.
In late Feb 09 they then hired Ms. E. (again no name to protect the innocent), who I had NO choice but to train. The girl who they thought was not qualified to do the job, but qualified enough to train the new person. (I did ask my agency for a raise). I had hopes for this one, even though she showed up 2 hours late on her first day. (Even the security guard had his reservations...)
She threw me under the bus more times than I can count (said I didn't train her on certain things, which I know that I did), but I felt that she still didn't understand the position.
Ms. E. happened to be Cape Verdian (and I happen to be a nice white Jewish Girl). She started coming in late too, started taking days off here and there, (once a week at one point), and I had to cover for her as well. (Well, until she sent me a not so lovely e mail to not touch any of her work, as she had it nicely organized...'scuze me!) (Hey, but guess what, I am the temp, if my manager wants me to cover for you, I have to cover you, 'cause that's my JOB).
I found out that she was on a P.I.P. (HR words for Professional Improvement Plan) from another guy that also was her manager.
Anyways, she was still there, and then June came around...and I was busy with the Renaissance Faire ( and at the last weekend of June, I was a zombie, but I came in anyhow. At this point, I was told by my manager not to touch any of her work, and that facilities and shipping knew that all paperwork went to her and not me. (My manager never did send out an e mail to employees).
This one day, (the day I was a zombie), I got an e mail from an employee regarding an expense report that they submitted. I informed this guy that he would have to contact Ms. E, as I didn't have any of the paperwork...long story short, she basically sent me two NASTY e mails, and I lost it...I yelled and I swore, at her....
She was also out again after that. My personal favorite was when her "father" died (I know G*d Forbid, but I really don't think it was true) over the weekend and then she came in the following Tuesday and Wednesday...(really?).
A few months ago (near my birthday) she claimed to HR that I made racist/racial remarks, WHICH I IN NO WAY SAID OR DID NOR WOULD EVER DO!!! HR finally finished their investigation, and dismissed the case. My point in all this is that I stood my grounds at the investigation, I told them exactly what happened in my own words, with or without my manager's knowledge. By the way, if you don't have an HR representing you, and you get into hot water, you do have your agency, which is supposed to be your advocate here.
Now since Thursday, Ms. E. is now I have to clean up her mess too...sigh.
Thanks for letting me vent this all out...yours, just the temp.
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