Friday, September 10, 2010

Why yes, I am still the temp

You know, looking for a new position is a little difficult now as I am still just the temp here (almost 4 years now) but jumped a lot in previous jobs.

Why am I still the temp? Why am I stuck? I don't really know to be honest with you, but I guess I am lucky to be working at all, considering our not so great does have it's benefits of being flexible (to a point), but again, I still am not getting benefits such as health or vacation time....sigh...

I was on chat ( for the Job Doc and this "expert" informed me that most companies now want that piece of paper, that documentation to show that I'm smart...what piece of paper? Oh, the College Degree....yes....that's right kids, I never did finish...(so stay in school kids!)

Well, if I DO decide to go back and finish my degree, it will be most likely online (and on my own time, thanks) and something that I think will most suit my new career choice(s) and not just business....and sorry, but I don't really agree here (okay, I know go ahead and make comments if you want to, I'll understand) ....see, if you are a College kid just out of college....where is your experience? What is it about that piece of paper that makes you special? Is it just the notoriety of having it? I mean, yes, I understand that it IS important...I am not saying don't get it...I'm just saying that people without degrees need to get jobs too....

Sorry for venting...thanks...what are your stories?

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Yes, as just the temp, you are still entitled to get out there and interview for other jobs. Just know that you really should not put your current employer that you are temping for as a reference. I'm not talking about the agency you work for, but the actual employer (or workplace you are working at).

Yeah..I had to learn that the hard way.

Yes, go to other agencies too, but if you've been temping for a really long time (like myself, ahem) you can tell this agency, "Look, I really would like a full time position and not looking to be a contractor any longer." Or something like, "I would prefer to transition to a full time position." 'Nuff said.

Yes, less is more.

Oh yes, re-do your resume, but make sure you keep track of the software you use...yeah...I forget what I used back in 2005 and come to think of it, I probably can use that in my current set of skills in mine.

Keep your agency informed that you are interviewing though, and of course let your manager (direct) at the place you are working for at least a week in advance (if at all possible).

Don't be too blatantly obvious though when it comes to looking for a job at work while temping. Some companies have strict policies, while others do not, but don't take your chances if you just started temping for a company.

Good luck, and let me know how you get your next job!

Just the Temp

Friday, March 12, 2010

Little things or don't worry it's just temporary

You know, I've been a temp for a long time. I have been with a lot of different companies around the north east and well, they are all different. I have heard about the tough economic times that are here, and yes, while I am glad I have a's just temporary.

Yet, it's okay for my recruiter that's been with the agency (that I'm with now) to leave and have a new job? Yet, I'm still here...still at this place where I will not get a raise, not get benefits, not get paid time off. I am still doing little things that is not really my job, but because I am the temp, I am required to do it. But...they hired another temp...why she can't do the little jobs? I am not sure...I am pushing stuff on her now more often though...sorry honey, we all have to figure out how to keep our jobs here, and I sure know how to keep mine.

Thanks..and for now, I am still just the temp.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Adding and subtracting

Although I can't really discuss the details, I can let you all know that yes...I am still the temp...and yes, this company that I am temping for decided to add another temp.

Not to be a jerk, but there are really good temps, and well, not so good temps out know who you are too...right? The ones that make us other temps look bad....(I think my favorite story about a really bad temp was the one that was embezzling money right under her bosses noses...heh)...

But I digress...I mean I still have a job...and I heard that more layoffs were coming....again....

Recently I did have an interview at another company, and the CFO asked me what a contractor meant...I said, that means I'm the temp...

Yup...still the I guess I should be happy that I still have a job...but I am keeping sort of a close eye on this new woman that they hired...but pushing back on this company to say, well, this is why you hired her too....let her do some of the stuff I've been doing....that's what you informed me....5 months ago....

By the way, I found a website that sells items that has a big fat mug/tote bag and it says "Don't hassle me, I'm just the temp" in BIG LETTERS....Love that....I might just get one...

Yeah...and what is it with people coming to me to ask me about administrative stuff....U.P.S. vs. FedEx stuff...I'm becoming an expert now a days...but yet, I still can't seem to get myself a real full time job....why? What am I missing here? Is it because I'm still the temp? Is it because you're nervous that I'm going to be the bad temp vs being a good temp? But, wait, I've been at this company three years, doesn't that say something?