Friday, May 29, 2009

"Just smile and wave" - Penguins of Madagascar

Sometimes as the temp, you are asked to do things that you don't really want to do, or that you weren't hired for.

Sometimes the employee or other contractor that is related to some other employee asks you to do something that you already did.

I find it just much easier to just do it and keep your mouth shut. Just like the penguins of Madagascar say "Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave."

This is to say, that while you are thinking in your head "Gee, didn't I already do this?" or "Why are you doing it this way?", your job as the temp is to not ask questions, but to just go ahead and do what they ask you to do.

This is part of being the temp.

You can be a great temp by just smiling and then going home at the end of the day and then complain later.

I also find that if you can be flexible, you will be more adaptable at what you do, and then can add it to your resume later.

So, just remember what the Penguins of Madagascar say, and just remember that you are more than just the temp.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A lead for IT people

If you are in IT (any field according to this company), and looking for work as a contractor, then you should get in contact with The Revolution Group in Wakefield ( and tell them I sent you.

Good luck and just remember you are more than just the temp.

*Edited to say, that this company had a little fun with me, so just an fyi...hopefully they are more serious about getting people jobs, especially in this economy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In case you were wondering...

Guess what I just figured out, that I thought I would share with you. (The ones who are actually reading this blog that is).

When you are looking for a new steady job while you are temping, even though you have been working at the particular company for months, even years, you may NOT list your "supervisor" that you work for at that company as a reference.

This is because legally you don't work for the company where you have been contracted for! You are still legally employed by the agency!

Oh yes, and another thing. I'm getting really tired of all these other agencies telling me that they have a great position available and would I be willing to come in for an interview. Do they think that I am that naive? Hello? Have you seen the job market out there? It isn't pretty. Yet, there are still jobs, and the ones that are out there, are hard to find. They go with the best candidate.

The recruiters from agencies don't care. You are just a number to them. Don't let them just sly you. Do your homework first!

Just don't tell them the temp told you so.
