Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Helping assist with other projects

I've always been one to try and stay busy. But, as I'm am still the temp, and if you are a temp too, then you should know this as well...you need to assist with other projects.

What do I mean by that exactly? What I mean is if someone from a different department asks you to assist, just check with your manager first, and then go ahead and do it. However, don't forget to ask questions, if you need the help, get it.

Besides, it will look fabulous on your resume...

Also, being an administrative assistant can come in handy when making phone calls, faxing or copying things, or just knowing how to do a scan as most everyone knows how to do this already, you would be surprised at how many people actually don't.

That's my update for now, and remember you are more than Just the temp.

Monday, July 13, 2009


So, again, Monday, she is not here again...(wait did I say that twice?..oh yes, I think it was on purpose).

Being a good girl, I went to my manager and said "Am I covering for her today?" and his answer was "not at this moment..."

Okay, just letting you all know that now I am just writing and thinking about exactly what I need to do.

I think that I've covered my bases here...don't you?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Confusion anyone? Anyone?

So, I guess I'm confused...I know that being the temp for a long period of time means that I will be asked to do anything for this company, even if that means that the person that they did hire for the position is not doing it correctly...

Yes...I blew up....at her....

Well, I'm sorry, but she was just being really stupid and just really aggravating. I had a great weekend, and she is not going to be the one to ruin it. I may just end up losing this gig over it...but you know what? If I do, then I know that I was right, and let them fire me....'cause I'm not going to quit.

What happened? The drama? Text Color The story? Okay, I can't divulge full details...but it goes something like this. I will use E as her name as I want to protect the innocent...(sure...)

I get an e mail from employee Monday 10 am ish: 'Hi, sent in my report via FedEx to be there Monday morning, here is my excel sheet and my manager's signature via e mail approval. - signed employee'

I send back employee: 'I'm sorry but, all expense reports now go to E., please forward this e mail to her. - signed me'
I also send employee manager same info.

E sends employee and my manager and cc's me 'Dear employee, I have not recieved any paperwork, if you sent it to (me) then she will have to forward said paperwork.'

*problem here* Fed Ex has NOT arrived YET

5 minutes go by: E sends another e mail to me, and cc's my manager '(Manager) I have no recieved ANY e mail back from (me) (with large CAPS and in RED no less) '

I do not get anything from shipping or receiving...in fact, I don't even have a mail bin downstairs anymore with my name on it...I bring this to manager's attention, to say, look, I don't get anything, can you please let her know that shipping and facilities both know to bring all paperwork to her directly?

5 minutes go by...nothing is said...nothing is done...I am now really pissed...I bring again to manager's attention, he says "That's probably because it says it will be delivered Monday (that same day) and that FedEx has not been delivered yet (we have a guy in shipping come every day to have her sign things)...he was supposed to send out mass e mail MONTHS ago to let people know that she now has the position, and that I am to do nothing with this position (or so I'm told).

I then knock at big boss's door..."I need to see you, today!" as I know this is not getting resolved...he then says, "Now?" I then said "Not this very minute, but sometime today would be great."

Long story short, he tells me, her and my manager that to knock it off, that this is not kindergarten and that we all need to work together as a team...which I agree to, but if things are still not resolved who do I go to?

Now, today, Monday, a week later, she is not here (shocked?, um no) and I ask my manager again (yes, because I am part of the 'team') if he wants me to at least stamp things, review things, and he tells me not to touch anything...

So, I'm just really confused...

Thanks for letting me vent...
just the temp