Well, there is a factor to temping that I never thought I would see the daylight of...and that is I get to choose on how I can deal with this my co-workers asking me to come in on a day that the Company is closed on.
Guess what....if the Company is closed and I don't come in, then I don't get paid for the day...right? (You with me so far?) But if my co-workers have to go in, they get paid salary and they get paid Holiday pay, so if they ask me to come in on a day that I don't get paid for, don't I get to ask for time and a half? So, if the Company doesn't want to pay me that much money and they don't want to hire me on as a full time employee, I have the option of saying NO.
Yes, kids, this is the way of the two edged sword...so sorry you have no choice but to go in because the auditors want this or want that...but guess what, I am not the only person that has access to files, pulling crap that should have been made copies of at that time rather than waiting a year to go by and not being able to find it later on...oh yes, and find mistakes that screwball number two made during the time *she* was there....guess what, I am not fixing those mistakes either, and then the Company will most likely have to pay fines...
I'd rather take the day off and not be paid for it, because that is MY choice to make...Happy Thanksgiving
Just the temp
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Still - Just the temp
Even after all this crazyness has ensued...even after I have requested, begged, pleaded and cajoled...I will still be the temp at this company.
In fact, I just found out today that they plan on hiring another temp...but not for the job I have been doing and I don't have to train any one new...so thank G*d for some miracles...but still.
I did however request that while I am still happy that I have a job here, that they will at least either give me more compensation per hour or give me some benefits that I do not currently have such as vacation time, sick time or Holiday Pay.
Yes...for three years now, days not paid for all the days off that other employees here get paid for...
I am glad that I still have the flexibility though to do whatever I want (such as write, do marketing, be with my son for school stuff, etc...) but....I am also proud of myself for standing my ground. Whatever ground that is...
Yours...still....just....the TEMP
In fact, I just found out today that they plan on hiring another temp...but not for the job I have been doing and I don't have to train any one new...so thank G*d for some miracles...but still.
I did however request that while I am still happy that I have a job here, that they will at least either give me more compensation per hour or give me some benefits that I do not currently have such as vacation time, sick time or Holiday Pay.
Yes...for three years now, days not paid for all the days off that other employees here get paid for...
I am glad that I still have the flexibility though to do whatever I want (such as write, do marketing, be with my son for school stuff, etc...) but....I am also proud of myself for standing my ground. Whatever ground that is...
Yours...still....just....the TEMP
days off,
standing your ground,
still the temp,
vacation time
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Trying to keep busy - trying not to kvetch
Since my last post, I've been a little busy actually doing the job (yes, again)...today they had me pull older reports from the past two people that did the job before me. I couldn't find a bunch of reports.
Seriously? I can't physically find the paperwork...where did it go to? I have no clue. When the auditors come looking for it, all I can do is tell them to request it from my manager. When I was doing the paperwork, I could find it all...or at least most of it.
I'm trying my hardest not to kvetch (complain - in Yiddish) but really, why should I go out of my way through boxes and boxes of paperwork that is all messed up and not corrected by date if I didn't do it in the first place...I seriously don't get paid enough to go crazy over someone else's bad performance.
So, here is my tactics...do the best I can, and mention it to my manager. Already people (other co-workers) have asked me if the Company plans to hire me, and I just tell them that I seriously don't know at this point. They will probably go over me again, as they did the last two times...I wouldn't be surprised if they did that...but they may surprise me...who knows...but in the meantime, I'm busy doing other things...like updating this blog...
This is Just the Temp, signing off
Seriously? I can't physically find the paperwork...where did it go to? I have no clue. When the auditors come looking for it, all I can do is tell them to request it from my manager. When I was doing the paperwork, I could find it all...or at least most of it.
I'm trying my hardest not to kvetch (complain - in Yiddish) but really, why should I go out of my way through boxes and boxes of paperwork that is all messed up and not corrected by date if I didn't do it in the first place...I seriously don't get paid enough to go crazy over someone else's bad performance.
So, here is my tactics...do the best I can, and mention it to my manager. Already people (other co-workers) have asked me if the Company plans to hire me, and I just tell them that I seriously don't know at this point. They will probably go over me again, as they did the last two times...I wouldn't be surprised if they did that...but they may surprise me...who knows...but in the meantime, I'm busy doing other things...like updating this blog...
This is Just the Temp, signing off
Friday, September 25, 2009
Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself
This post is all about what has happened to me (personally) the last few months and I can't use full names, but I will use initials.
This is to inspire you (those of you who are actually following this blog, and I thank you in advance) to not be afraid to stand up for yourself, even if you are like me and still just the temp.
I have been the temp at this current company now for over 2 years. (2 and a half really, and coming this January it will be 3). I have been lucky to have been passed over the last two layoffs, but being the temp, HR doesn't count you (as you are not in the head count, you are just the temp). Now this doesn't ALWAYS work, but in Corporate Workplace, this can happen.
Basically my story is I started Jan 07. I had some A/P and A/R experience, and this is what they were looking for (the company). That year I learned about Oracle, ERP, S&R, Invoicing and doing invoices. I learned also on how to do expense reports, and all the policies and rules behind them.
In Jan 08, the woman who trained me for expense reports left the company (I really miss her), and the position was open. I put in my resume, and had a first interview. I never got a second interview. Then they hired Miss. A. (no name to protect the innocent).
Little Miss A. started in March of 08 and took a vacation as early as April or May of 08. She also liked to come in late, leave early and my personal favorite took a "mental vacation". Of course, I being the temp had to cover for her work. And I had to train her...yeah...that was fun...so little Miss. A. wore PJs to work, and did sloppy work at that (when she did come in).
Finally in Nov 08, the company had enough of Miss. A. and from Nov 08 - Feb 09 I covered the position again, after cleaning up little Miss. A.'s mess (and boy was it a mess). Then the company didn't have the position open on their website, but on Monster (which I was not aware of) and was not even considered the second go around.
In late Feb 09 they then hired Ms. E. (again no name to protect the innocent), who I had NO choice but to train. The girl who they thought was not qualified to do the job, but qualified enough to train the new person. (I did ask my agency for a raise). I had hopes for this one, even though she showed up 2 hours late on her first day. (Even the security guard had his reservations...)
She threw me under the bus more times than I can count (said I didn't train her on certain things, which I know that I did), but I felt that she still didn't understand the position.
Ms. E. happened to be Cape Verdian (and I happen to be a nice white Jewish Girl). She started coming in late too, started taking days off here and there, (once a week at one point), and I had to cover for her as well. (Well, until she sent me a not so lovely e mail to not touch any of her work, as she had it nicely organized...'scuze me!) (Hey, but guess what, I am the temp, if my manager wants me to cover for you, I have to cover you, 'cause that's my JOB).
I found out that she was on a P.I.P. (HR words for Professional Improvement Plan) from another guy that also was her manager.
Anyways, she was still there, and then June came around...and I was busy with the Renaissance Faire (http://www.winslowshire.com) and at the last weekend of June, I was a zombie, but I came in anyhow. At this point, I was told by my manager not to touch any of her work, and that facilities and shipping knew that all paperwork went to her and not me. (My manager never did send out an e mail to employees).
This one day, (the day I was a zombie), I got an e mail from an employee regarding an expense report that they submitted. I informed this guy that he would have to contact Ms. E, as I didn't have any of the paperwork...long story short, she basically sent me two NASTY e mails, and I lost it...I yelled and I swore, at her....
She was also out again after that. My personal favorite was when her "father" died (I know G*d Forbid, but I really don't think it was true) over the weekend and then she came in the following Tuesday and Wednesday...(really?).
A few months ago (near my birthday) she claimed to HR that I made racist/racial remarks, WHICH I IN NO WAY SAID OR DID NOR WOULD EVER DO!!! HR finally finished their investigation, and dismissed the case. My point in all this is that I stood my grounds at the investigation, I told them exactly what happened in my own words, with or without my manager's knowledge. By the way, if you don't have an HR representing you, and you get into hot water, you do have your agency, which is supposed to be your advocate here.
Now since Thursday, Ms. E. is now gone...now I have to clean up her mess too...sigh.
Thanks for letting me vent this all out...yours, just the temp.
This is to inspire you (those of you who are actually following this blog, and I thank you in advance) to not be afraid to stand up for yourself, even if you are like me and still just the temp.
I have been the temp at this current company now for over 2 years. (2 and a half really, and coming this January it will be 3). I have been lucky to have been passed over the last two layoffs, but being the temp, HR doesn't count you (as you are not in the head count, you are just the temp). Now this doesn't ALWAYS work, but in Corporate Workplace, this can happen.
Basically my story is I started Jan 07. I had some A/P and A/R experience, and this is what they were looking for (the company). That year I learned about Oracle, ERP, S&R, Invoicing and doing invoices. I learned also on how to do expense reports, and all the policies and rules behind them.
In Jan 08, the woman who trained me for expense reports left the company (I really miss her), and the position was open. I put in my resume, and had a first interview. I never got a second interview. Then they hired Miss. A. (no name to protect the innocent).
Little Miss A. started in March of 08 and took a vacation as early as April or May of 08. She also liked to come in late, leave early and my personal favorite took a "mental vacation". Of course, I being the temp had to cover for her work. And I had to train her...yeah...that was fun...so little Miss. A. wore PJs to work, and did sloppy work at that (when she did come in).
Finally in Nov 08, the company had enough of Miss. A. and from Nov 08 - Feb 09 I covered the position again, after cleaning up little Miss. A.'s mess (and boy was it a mess). Then the company didn't have the position open on their website, but on Monster (which I was not aware of) and was not even considered the second go around.
In late Feb 09 they then hired Ms. E. (again no name to protect the innocent), who I had NO choice but to train. The girl who they thought was not qualified to do the job, but qualified enough to train the new person. (I did ask my agency for a raise). I had hopes for this one, even though she showed up 2 hours late on her first day. (Even the security guard had his reservations...)
She threw me under the bus more times than I can count (said I didn't train her on certain things, which I know that I did), but I felt that she still didn't understand the position.
Ms. E. happened to be Cape Verdian (and I happen to be a nice white Jewish Girl). She started coming in late too, started taking days off here and there, (once a week at one point), and I had to cover for her as well. (Well, until she sent me a not so lovely e mail to not touch any of her work, as she had it nicely organized...'scuze me!) (Hey, but guess what, I am the temp, if my manager wants me to cover for you, I have to cover you, 'cause that's my JOB).
I found out that she was on a P.I.P. (HR words for Professional Improvement Plan) from another guy that also was her manager.
Anyways, she was still there, and then June came around...and I was busy with the Renaissance Faire (http://www.winslowshire.com) and at the last weekend of June, I was a zombie, but I came in anyhow. At this point, I was told by my manager not to touch any of her work, and that facilities and shipping knew that all paperwork went to her and not me. (My manager never did send out an e mail to employees).
This one day, (the day I was a zombie), I got an e mail from an employee regarding an expense report that they submitted. I informed this guy that he would have to contact Ms. E, as I didn't have any of the paperwork...long story short, she basically sent me two NASTY e mails, and I lost it...I yelled and I swore, at her....
She was also out again after that. My personal favorite was when her "father" died (I know G*d Forbid, but I really don't think it was true) over the weekend and then she came in the following Tuesday and Wednesday...(really?).
A few months ago (near my birthday) she claimed to HR that I made racist/racial remarks, WHICH I IN NO WAY SAID OR DID NOR WOULD EVER DO!!! HR finally finished their investigation, and dismissed the case. My point in all this is that I stood my grounds at the investigation, I told them exactly what happened in my own words, with or without my manager's knowledge. By the way, if you don't have an HR representing you, and you get into hot water, you do have your agency, which is supposed to be your advocate here.
Now since Thursday, Ms. E. is now gone...now I have to clean up her mess too...sigh.
Thanks for letting me vent this all out...yours, just the temp.
bad candidates,
standing up for yourself
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Personal demons
I know it has been a while since I last wrote or posted on this blog. I've just been so busy with my personal life, and my other sites that I am also blogging on (http://www.winslowshire.wordpress.com, http://www.giazzworld.blogspot.com and now http://www.northshoreparenting.com) . I am also getting ready to do a Halloween event at the Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary all for the month of October.
However, I am really afraid to write about what is going on here at my temp gig. I don't even think I'm supposed to write about what is really happening (or at least until the investigation is over by HR, yes...an investigation about me...sigh). I know I can't talk about it amoungst my colleagues (if I have any left) or anyone in the Finance group here, which I have not....but you know how wildfire rumors go around Corporate workplaces.
I can say that if you do find yourself in a similar situation know that if you have noone at your HR department that is your contact, do talk to your agency about what is going on, especially if it escallates into something else altogether. If they are unable to help you, then I would suggest at least talking to an attorney to see if there is anything that you can do, but you may need to wait it out, it may just go away on it's own.
So yes, I am writing about this to cheer myself up a bit, and thank you for letting me at least write some of it out...I do appreciate the support, and yes, I am still just the temp.
However, I am really afraid to write about what is going on here at my temp gig. I don't even think I'm supposed to write about what is really happening (or at least until the investigation is over by HR, yes...an investigation about me...sigh). I know I can't talk about it amoungst my colleagues (if I have any left) or anyone in the Finance group here, which I have not....but you know how wildfire rumors go around Corporate workplaces.
I can say that if you do find yourself in a similar situation know that if you have noone at your HR department that is your contact, do talk to your agency about what is going on, especially if it escallates into something else altogether. If they are unable to help you, then I would suggest at least talking to an attorney to see if there is anything that you can do, but you may need to wait it out, it may just go away on it's own.
So yes, I am writing about this to cheer myself up a bit, and thank you for letting me at least write some of it out...I do appreciate the support, and yes, I am still just the temp.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Keeping the temp gig as long as you can
We all know that the economy out there is not so great right now. Temping or Contracting at a job can be a little draining at best sometimes, but it is a job. A paying check that gets you or your family through the week.
Don't just do your job, see if you can help other departments. The company will appreciate it, and you will look like a star.
If you know of someone that is still looking for work, check with your agency and see if you can refer them. I know some agencies will pay you (yes you) if that person that you referred gets a temping job.
Call every day or every other day to check in with the agency too. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the job.
Keeping your temp gig may not be your ideal thing, but that's the great thing about temping...you can figure out what you really want to do and still keep the temp gig.
Don't just do your job, see if you can help other departments. The company will appreciate it, and you will look like a star.
If you know of someone that is still looking for work, check with your agency and see if you can refer them. I know some agencies will pay you (yes you) if that person that you referred gets a temping job.
Call every day or every other day to check in with the agency too. Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the job.
Keeping your temp gig may not be your ideal thing, but that's the great thing about temping...you can figure out what you really want to do and still keep the temp gig.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Helping assist with other projects
I've always been one to try and stay busy. But, as I'm am still the temp, and if you are a temp too, then you should know this as well...you need to assist with other projects.
What do I mean by that exactly? What I mean is if someone from a different department asks you to assist, just check with your manager first, and then go ahead and do it. However, don't forget to ask questions, if you need the help, get it.
Besides, it will look fabulous on your resume...
Also, being an administrative assistant can come in handy when making phone calls, faxing or copying things, or just knowing how to do a scan as most everyone knows how to do this already, you would be surprised at how many people actually don't.
That's my update for now, and remember you are more than Just the temp.
What do I mean by that exactly? What I mean is if someone from a different department asks you to assist, just check with your manager first, and then go ahead and do it. However, don't forget to ask questions, if you need the help, get it.
Besides, it will look fabulous on your resume...
Also, being an administrative assistant can come in handy when making phone calls, faxing or copying things, or just knowing how to do a scan as most everyone knows how to do this already, you would be surprised at how many people actually don't.
That's my update for now, and remember you are more than Just the temp.
Monday, July 13, 2009
So, again, Monday, she is not here again...(wait did I say that twice?..oh yes, I think it was on purpose).
Being a good girl, I went to my manager and said "Am I covering for her today?" and his answer was "not at this moment..."
Okay, just letting you all know that now I am just writing and thinking about exactly what I need to do.
I think that I've covered my bases here...don't you?
Being a good girl, I went to my manager and said "Am I covering for her today?" and his answer was "not at this moment..."
Okay, just letting you all know that now I am just writing and thinking about exactly what I need to do.
I think that I've covered my bases here...don't you?
Monday, July 6, 2009
Confusion anyone? Anyone?
So, I guess I'm confused...I know that being the temp for a long period of time means that I will be asked to do anything for this company, even if that means that the person that they did hire for the position is not doing it correctly...
Yes...I blew up....at her....
Well, I'm sorry, but she was just being really stupid and just really aggravating. I had a great weekend, and she is not going to be the one to ruin it. I may just end up losing this gig over it...but you know what? If I do, then I know that I was right, and let them fire me....'cause I'm not going to quit.
What happened? The drama?
The story? Okay, I can't divulge full details...but it goes something like this. I will use E as her name as I want to protect the innocent...(sure...)
I get an e mail from employee Monday 10 am ish: 'Hi, sent in my report via FedEx to be there Monday morning, here is my excel sheet and my manager's signature via e mail approval. - signed employee'
I send back employee: 'I'm sorry but, all expense reports now go to E., please forward this e mail to her. - signed me'
I also send employee manager same info.
E sends employee and my manager and cc's me 'Dear employee, I have not recieved any paperwork, if you sent it to (me) then she will have to forward said paperwork.'
*problem here* Fed Ex has NOT arrived YET
5 minutes go by: E sends another e mail to me, and cc's my manager '(Manager) I have no recieved ANY e mail back from (me) (with large CAPS and in RED no less) '
I do not get anything from shipping or receiving...in fact, I don't even have a mail bin downstairs anymore with my name on it...I bring this to manager's attention, to say, look, I don't get anything, can you please let her know that shipping and facilities both know to bring all paperwork to her directly?
5 minutes go by...nothing is said...nothing is done...I am now really pissed...I bring again to manager's attention, he says "That's probably because it says it will be delivered Monday (that same day) and that FedEx has not been delivered yet (we have a guy in shipping come every day to have her sign things)...he was supposed to send out mass e mail MONTHS ago to let people know that she now has the position, and that I am to do nothing with this position (or so I'm told).
I then knock at big boss's door..."I need to see you, today!" as I know this is not getting resolved...he then says, "Now?" I then said "Not this very minute, but sometime today would be great."
Long story short, he tells me, her and my manager that to knock it off, that this is not kindergarten and that we all need to work together as a team...which I agree to, but if things are still not resolved who do I go to?
Now, today, Monday, a week later, she is not here (shocked?, um no) and I ask my manager again (yes, because I am part of the 'team') if he wants me to at least stamp things, review things, and he tells me not to touch anything...
So, I'm just really confused...
Thanks for letting me vent...
just the temp
Yes...I blew up....at her....
Well, I'm sorry, but she was just being really stupid and just really aggravating. I had a great weekend, and she is not going to be the one to ruin it. I may just end up losing this gig over it...but you know what? If I do, then I know that I was right, and let them fire me....'cause I'm not going to quit.
What happened? The drama?

I get an e mail from employee Monday 10 am ish: 'Hi, sent in my report via FedEx to be there Monday morning, here is my excel sheet and my manager's signature via e mail approval. - signed employee'
I send back employee: 'I'm sorry but, all expense reports now go to E., please forward this e mail to her. - signed me'
I also send employee manager same info.
E sends employee and my manager and cc's me 'Dear employee, I have not recieved any paperwork, if you sent it to (me) then she will have to forward said paperwork.'
*problem here* Fed Ex has NOT arrived YET
5 minutes go by: E sends another e mail to me, and cc's my manager '(Manager) I have no recieved ANY e mail back from (me) (with large CAPS and in RED no less) '
I do not get anything from shipping or receiving...in fact, I don't even have a mail bin downstairs anymore with my name on it...I bring this to manager's attention, to say, look, I don't get anything, can you please let her know that shipping and facilities both know to bring all paperwork to her directly?
5 minutes go by...nothing is said...nothing is done...I am now really pissed...I bring again to manager's attention, he says "That's probably because it says it will be delivered Monday (that same day) and that FedEx has not been delivered yet (we have a guy in shipping come every day to have her sign things)...he was supposed to send out mass e mail MONTHS ago to let people know that she now has the position, and that I am to do nothing with this position (or so I'm told).
I then knock at big boss's door..."I need to see you, today!" as I know this is not getting resolved...he then says, "Now?" I then said "Not this very minute, but sometime today would be great."
Long story short, he tells me, her and my manager that to knock it off, that this is not kindergarten and that we all need to work together as a team...which I agree to, but if things are still not resolved who do I go to?
Now, today, Monday, a week later, she is not here (shocked?, um no) and I ask my manager again (yes, because I am part of the 'team') if he wants me to at least stamp things, review things, and he tells me not to touch anything...
So, I'm just really confused...
Thanks for letting me vent...
just the temp
Friday, May 29, 2009
"Just smile and wave" - Penguins of Madagascar
Sometimes as the temp, you are asked to do things that you don't really want to do, or that you weren't hired for.
Sometimes the employee or other contractor that is related to some other employee asks you to do something that you already did.
I find it just much easier to just do it and keep your mouth shut. Just like the penguins of Madagascar say "Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave."
This is to say, that while you are thinking in your head "Gee, didn't I already do this?" or "Why are you doing it this way?", your job as the temp is to not ask questions, but to just go ahead and do what they ask you to do.
This is part of being the temp.
You can be a great temp by just smiling and then going home at the end of the day and then complain later.
I also find that if you can be flexible, you will be more adaptable at what you do, and then can add it to your resume later.
So, just remember what the Penguins of Madagascar say, and just remember that you are more than just the temp.
Sometimes the employee or other contractor that is related to some other employee asks you to do something that you already did.
I find it just much easier to just do it and keep your mouth shut. Just like the penguins of Madagascar say "Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave."
This is to say, that while you are thinking in your head "Gee, didn't I already do this?" or "Why are you doing it this way?", your job as the temp is to not ask questions, but to just go ahead and do what they ask you to do.
This is part of being the temp.
You can be a great temp by just smiling and then going home at the end of the day and then complain later.
I also find that if you can be flexible, you will be more adaptable at what you do, and then can add it to your resume later.
So, just remember what the Penguins of Madagascar say, and just remember that you are more than just the temp.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
A lead for IT people
If you are in IT (any field according to this company), and looking for work as a contractor, then you should get in contact with The Revolution Group in Wakefield (http://www.therevgroup.com/) and tell them I sent you.
Good luck and just remember you are more than just the temp.
*Edited to say, that this company had a little fun with me, so just an fyi...hopefully they are more serious about getting people jobs, especially in this economy.
Good luck and just remember you are more than just the temp.
*Edited to say, that this company had a little fun with me, so just an fyi...hopefully they are more serious about getting people jobs, especially in this economy.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
In case you were wondering...
Guess what I just figured out, that I thought I would share with you. (The ones who are actually reading this blog that is).
When you are looking for a new steady job while you are temping, even though you have been working at the particular company for months, even years, you may NOT list your "supervisor" that you work for at that company as a reference.
This is because legally you don't work for the company where you have been contracted for! You are still legally employed by the agency!
Oh yes, and another thing. I'm getting really tired of all these other agencies telling me that they have a great position available and would I be willing to come in for an interview. Do they think that I am that naive? Hello? Have you seen the job market out there? It isn't pretty. Yet, there are still jobs, and the ones that are out there, are hard to find. They go with the best candidate.
The recruiters from agencies don't care. You are just a number to them. Don't let them just sly you. Do your homework first!
Just don't tell them the temp told you so.
When you are looking for a new steady job while you are temping, even though you have been working at the particular company for months, even years, you may NOT list your "supervisor" that you work for at that company as a reference.
This is because legally you don't work for the company where you have been contracted for! You are still legally employed by the agency!
Oh yes, and another thing. I'm getting really tired of all these other agencies telling me that they have a great position available and would I be willing to come in for an interview. Do they think that I am that naive? Hello? Have you seen the job market out there? It isn't pretty. Yet, there are still jobs, and the ones that are out there, are hard to find. They go with the best candidate.
The recruiters from agencies don't care. You are just a number to them. Don't let them just sly you. Do your homework first!
Just don't tell them the temp told you so.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
Yes, to all the temps out there that are working as Administrative Professionals...Happy Administrative Professionals Day. I think that used to be "Happy Secretaries Day".
Have things really changed that much? I mean, besides from using a computer to using the old typewriter, although sometimes we still use those. In fact, I sort of miss the typing part, the sounds tapping away as you write, er or re-write what your "boss" wanted you to write.
For all the faxing, copying, calling, e mailing, memos, chatting, answering phones, greeting clients in the lobby, fixing the magazines just right in the lobby, smiling even though you are just there the one whole day, just remember it's money coming in.
So smile and Happy day to you, and remember you are more than "Just the temp."
Have things really changed that much? I mean, besides from using a computer to using the old typewriter, although sometimes we still use those. In fact, I sort of miss the typing part, the sounds tapping away as you write, er or re-write what your "boss" wanted you to write.
For all the faxing, copying, calling, e mailing, memos, chatting, answering phones, greeting clients in the lobby, fixing the magazines just right in the lobby, smiling even though you are just there the one whole day, just remember it's money coming in.
So smile and Happy day to you, and remember you are more than "Just the temp."
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tests you may have to take
If you didn't know this already and have been out of the workforce for a while, you can always try temping or contracting. Some places are pretty good about getting you a new job, although temporary, and it will bring some money in.
Just so you are aware, some places will test you on your computer knowledge. It doesn't matter to them if you have 12 + years of Excel or Word, they want you to prove it. Of course the testing does determine how good you actually are.
For administrative positions they will most likely test you on Word, Typing and Excel. By the way, the testing software is not always the software you are used to, it can be somewhat aggravating for some people if they are not used to it. My advice is if you aren't sure about the question, then you do get to either guess or skip, but know that every wrong answer goes against your score.
That's right, they score you. Typing usually has the counting of how many key strokes you did and the accuracy. If it's data entry, they will test you on word data entry and alpha data entry (yes, two different things).
Now, I've pretty much done all the tests that they are giving out, let's just hope I can keep this job a little longer and not do any more tests.
I figure it is a good way to practice your skills. I would suggest if you don't already have these skills under your belt to learn them, as it might just get you your next temping gig.
Good luck.
Just so you are aware, some places will test you on your computer knowledge. It doesn't matter to them if you have 12 + years of Excel or Word, they want you to prove it. Of course the testing does determine how good you actually are.
For administrative positions they will most likely test you on Word, Typing and Excel. By the way, the testing software is not always the software you are used to, it can be somewhat aggravating for some people if they are not used to it. My advice is if you aren't sure about the question, then you do get to either guess or skip, but know that every wrong answer goes against your score.
That's right, they score you. Typing usually has the counting of how many key strokes you did and the accuracy. If it's data entry, they will test you on word data entry and alpha data entry (yes, two different things).
Now, I've pretty much done all the tests that they are giving out, let's just hope I can keep this job a little longer and not do any more tests.
I figure it is a good way to practice your skills. I would suggest if you don't already have these skills under your belt to learn them, as it might just get you your next temping gig.
Good luck.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Being the temp in lay off time
Well, this is a stressful time for everyone, including contractors. That being said, sometimes companies will lay off employees over contractors, and some companies will lay off the temps (or contractors).
I found it interesting that a friend of mine (who I can not name for business reasons) asked me for my advice on being a contractor. Wow, my advice? Really? Who'd a thunk that after all this time, that someone actually wanted my advice.
Well, I basically told him the deal. Here are my tips if you are thinking about contracting;
I found it interesting that a friend of mine (who I can not name for business reasons) asked me for my advice on being a contractor. Wow, my advice? Really? Who'd a thunk that after all this time, that someone actually wanted my advice.
Well, I basically told him the deal. Here are my tips if you are thinking about contracting;
- Most of the time, some agencies WILL NOT PAY the benefits! Unless it is a national agency, but most of the time, this is not the case.
- That if you decide that you do want to contract, that the agency will ask you what you are looking for, but know that they will ask the company for their own negotiating price, what ever that might be.
- Know that tomorrow could be your last day, or today, depending on the situation. If you are in a long term temp role, they could extend you, but you never do know.
- You will hardly ever be invited to partake in meetings, unless you are the executive admin for that group, and good luck putting in your two cents.
- Know that you will be asked to do outside of what you are required...you are not just an employee to the company, but you are really the employee of the agency.
So, that's my tips for now, please do make a comment if you have any...I would love to hear what you think.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sometimes you just can't win
You know, as the temp, there are sometimes that you just have to do the job requested, and you just can't win.
Even when they hire on a new person, and that person didn't understand the concept of time and being on time, and then the company gets rid of her, and then they don't hire you again, but hire on a new person again, and you have to train that new person all over again...oh wait, I am talking about my situation, but I don't think I'm alone here.
You can pick your own battles, but really you have no one to complain to except your direct manager, and then if he/she won't help you, you can go to your HR person, but good luck with that, and even if you call your agency, you may be out of a job.
My advice, just remember that sometimes you just can't win and then go home and have a margarita.
Do put in your own stories if you like, I won't mind a bit, after all, I'm just the temp.
Even when they hire on a new person, and that person didn't understand the concept of time and being on time, and then the company gets rid of her, and then they don't hire you again, but hire on a new person again, and you have to train that new person all over again...oh wait, I am talking about my situation, but I don't think I'm alone here.
You can pick your own battles, but really you have no one to complain to except your direct manager, and then if he/she won't help you, you can go to your HR person, but good luck with that, and even if you call your agency, you may be out of a job.
My advice, just remember that sometimes you just can't win and then go home and have a margarita.
Do put in your own stories if you like, I won't mind a bit, after all, I'm just the temp.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My first temping job back in the early 1990s
So, now it's time when I tell you all where I started my temping career. I'll do a little background first though.
I went to College at University of Lowell, College of Music. Yes, music. I have been playing music, but after college, I realized quickly that music is a great way to relieve stress, but it's not great for making money, unless you become famous or have a few music albums out. I had worked previously before, but nothing like a real day job, mostly retail.
I went to Adecco http://www.adecco.com/Channels/adeccoNewVI/home/home1.asp and they told me that since I didn't have much experience, that they just had one thing.
To help sell papers on the streets of Boston. Massachusetts. Not just a normal paper, no. The New York Times.
If you happen to live in Massachusetts, a lot of Bostonians don't really like New Yorkers too much, in fact, they love to hate the New York Yankees, but they are intelligent enough to know the difference of a good paper.
Back in the 1990s, the media was a little different, and people actually liked reading the newspaper. We didn't have the internet as we know it today, so I guess I was lucky in all of my timing.
My job was to hand out free papers on the streets of Boston (yes, outside), and I had this whole "shtick" where I would yell at the top of my lungs "Free paper here, get your free paper, I'm talking free people, F R E E , that's right, where else can you get a free newspaper, and get yourself a copy right here, best crossword in the world, right here FREE!" Yes, I'm yelling all the words free as loud as I can.
The Boston Globe guy across the street was mad that I was yelling so loud, that he was losing business, and actually came over to me to ask me if I would shut up or move. So, I moved. After all, this was my job, and I was being paid to do this.
Of course, there was a catch to the "free" paper. As soon as someone was interested in taking a free paper, I would grab the paper, and then proceed to ask them if they would also like to get a subscription to the New York Times.
My "manager" was this older Jewish guy named Irving who was so proud of me, I sold 15 subscriptions in one day, but then it started to get crappy outside. I had to tell poor Irving that I had to leave the job.
Irving was so upset, he almost cried and begged me to not leave the job.
But in the end, I did leave that job. I did learn how to be loud and obnoxious and be funny.
I went to College at University of Lowell, College of Music. Yes, music. I have been playing music, but after college, I realized quickly that music is a great way to relieve stress, but it's not great for making money, unless you become famous or have a few music albums out. I had worked previously before, but nothing like a real day job, mostly retail.
I went to Adecco http://www.adecco.com/Channels/adeccoNewVI/home/home1.asp and they told me that since I didn't have much experience, that they just had one thing.
To help sell papers on the streets of Boston. Massachusetts. Not just a normal paper, no. The New York Times.
If you happen to live in Massachusetts, a lot of Bostonians don't really like New Yorkers too much, in fact, they love to hate the New York Yankees, but they are intelligent enough to know the difference of a good paper.
Back in the 1990s, the media was a little different, and people actually liked reading the newspaper. We didn't have the internet as we know it today, so I guess I was lucky in all of my timing.
My job was to hand out free papers on the streets of Boston (yes, outside), and I had this whole "shtick" where I would yell at the top of my lungs "Free paper here, get your free paper, I'm talking free people, F R E E , that's right, where else can you get a free newspaper, and get yourself a copy right here, best crossword in the world, right here FREE!" Yes, I'm yelling all the words free as loud as I can.
The Boston Globe guy across the street was mad that I was yelling so loud, that he was losing business, and actually came over to me to ask me if I would shut up or move. So, I moved. After all, this was my job, and I was being paid to do this.
Of course, there was a catch to the "free" paper. As soon as someone was interested in taking a free paper, I would grab the paper, and then proceed to ask them if they would also like to get a subscription to the New York Times.
My "manager" was this older Jewish guy named Irving who was so proud of me, I sold 15 subscriptions in one day, but then it started to get crappy outside. I had to tell poor Irving that I had to leave the job.
Irving was so upset, he almost cried and begged me to not leave the job.
But in the end, I did leave that job. I did learn how to be loud and obnoxious and be funny.
Monday, January 12, 2009
My temping career so far
First of all, welcome to my new blog. This blog will be all about my temping career so far, as I have been the temp (contractor) for over 4 years.
This is nothing to say against being the temp. In fact, it's a good way to make money (especially these days) and a great way to have experience in your pocket.
It used to be that you could get a job by temping for a period of time. In fact, many companies do that, but only if the temp (temporary) is really good, or just can learn the job in a quick matter of time.
In fact, temping was the way for me to go, when I first got my real first job, it was through temping. I had a career at the Courthouse, and after 4 years, I just learned that it really wasn't for me, so I went back to the public sector.
But, now, four years later, I'm still just the temp.
There are a few things to know about being the temp.
1) You will do anything asked of you, and they expect that.
2) You will cover for any position, as long as you can do the job.
3) You will need to learn very quickly all new things, proceedures.
Oh yes, don't forget, that most agencies will test you on your knowledge. Even after all the many years of being the secretary, they don't care, they want to see how fast you can type, or if you know Excel, oh, and by the way, it's not the version you're used to, it's some weird test program, that if you know it, great, and if you're not so good at it, well...good luck.
That's it for now, I will post later on this week.
And by the way, remember, it's only temporary.
This is nothing to say against being the temp. In fact, it's a good way to make money (especially these days) and a great way to have experience in your pocket.
It used to be that you could get a job by temping for a period of time. In fact, many companies do that, but only if the temp (temporary) is really good, or just can learn the job in a quick matter of time.
In fact, temping was the way for me to go, when I first got my real first job, it was through temping. I had a career at the Courthouse, and after 4 years, I just learned that it really wasn't for me, so I went back to the public sector.
But, now, four years later, I'm still just the temp.
There are a few things to know about being the temp.
1) You will do anything asked of you, and they expect that.
2) You will cover for any position, as long as you can do the job.
3) You will need to learn very quickly all new things, proceedures.
Oh yes, don't forget, that most agencies will test you on your knowledge. Even after all the many years of being the secretary, they don't care, they want to see how fast you can type, or if you know Excel, oh, and by the way, it's not the version you're used to, it's some weird test program, that if you know it, great, and if you're not so good at it, well...good luck.
That's it for now, I will post later on this week.
And by the way, remember, it's only temporary.
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