Friday, March 12, 2010

Little things or don't worry it's just temporary

You know, I've been a temp for a long time. I have been with a lot of different companies around the north east and well, they are all different. I have heard about the tough economic times that are here, and yes, while I am glad I have a's just temporary.

Yet, it's okay for my recruiter that's been with the agency (that I'm with now) to leave and have a new job? Yet, I'm still here...still at this place where I will not get a raise, not get benefits, not get paid time off. I am still doing little things that is not really my job, but because I am the temp, I am required to do it. But...they hired another temp...why she can't do the little jobs? I am not sure...I am pushing stuff on her now more often though...sorry honey, we all have to figure out how to keep our jobs here, and I sure know how to keep mine.

Thanks..and for now, I am still just the temp.

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